Conference Transportation

During this busy time of year, we all have a list of things to do.  As you prepare for the upcoming AMTA conference, be sure that the following is on your list:

Make Airport Shuttle Reservations…by September 1st!

Are you flying to Chicago to join us at the AMTA conference?  If so, chances are you have made your flight arrangements.  But have you made your plans to get to Pheasant Run in St. Charles, IL?  AMTA is pleased to be working with Midwest Transit System to offer the best rates possible to and from Chicago area airports to the Pheasant Run Resort. (Please note O’Hare Airport is closer to Pheasant Run than Midway Airport.)

Individual Cabs and Taxis to the airport for individuals could cost up to $75.  However, through Midwest Transit, the more AMTA conference attendees arriving at about the same time, the lower the rates for shuttles to Pheasant Run. In order to ensure these lower rates, Midwest must compile flight information in order to set up the most cost effective options and scheduling. Midwest needs your flight information by September 1st.  Please see the steps below and be in touch with Midwest Transit directly.  Remember, the more people who respond, the lower the final cost can be! 

Once Midwest Transit has gathered everyone’s flight information, they will analyze it and determine if they are able to offer competitive rates by grouping people together in vehicles that will leave the airport for the hotel on a regular basis (approximately every hour on the hour). If after collecting this information they are unable to help you cost effectively with your transportation, they will notify you and provide you with other possible alternatives.


Follow these steps to make your reservation! 

1)  By September 1, please visit the website at and click on the “Airport Reservations” icon on the front page. (Be careful typing in that e-mail address!)


2) Fill in all of the requested information (NO CREDIT CARD INFORMATION NEEDED!!!)


3) Within a few days of receiving your information you will receive confirmation of your completed form from Midwest Transit.


4) During the first week of September you will receive an email letting you know if Midwest Transit can provide you with your airport transportation as well as the price. If they are unable to offer you competitive pricing, they will present you with other possible alternatives for you to explore.


Haven’t Made Your Flight Arrangements Yet? 

AMTA notes that the September 1st deadline is for Midwest Transit to assess the price they can offer people as of September 1st and for Midwest to get back to those conference attendees who have made reservations already.  Midwest will certainly take reservations after September 1st.  If you have already made air reservations or have a good idea of when you are traveling, you should contact Midwest by September 1st.  If that deadline is not possible, you are still welcome to contact Midwest Transit, and encouraged to do so; the sooner the better!  Remember:  The more taking Midwest Transit shuttles from the airports, the lower the rate for everyone!  AMTA encourages conference attendees not to wait to the last minute on this.


If you have any questions or problems, please contact Midwest Transit System:

7800 College Drive Suite 3NW

Palos Heights, IL 60463

(708) 448-7822

Sue:  708-448-7822 ext. 106

Fax 708-361-9365

AMTA Conference Diary: 8/6/12

AMTA 2012 Conference Diary

~ Sandi Curtis, VP & Conference Chair

August 6, 2012

Okay, wonder if others like me are still figuring out which CMTEs they should sign up for. While the NMT Training is completely filled now, there is a waiting list; but more importantly, there are a lot of other great choices.

Just got some more info on a few of them and they look great!

Here’s a YouTube link for Kathy Knoll’s Session:

“CMTE Z. Autism and Music Therapy: Connecting with Toddlers, Teens, and Adults across the Spectrum”

And here’s one on TaKetiNa

“CMTE V. An Experiential Exploration of the TaKeTiNa Rhythm Process for Embodying Rhythm”

Of course, they all look great. Great opportunities to get those necessary CMTEs (including the requirement for ethics), great opportunities to learn something new, refresh music therapy skills, and so much more! Find them all at:

Well Diary, I’d better go. Gotta check out the latest on our AMTA 2012 in the social media:

Twitter (@AMTA2012)
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Facebook (Amta2012)